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Excellent document management starts with a simple and sophisticated capture process, like Digitech’s PaperVision Capture.

Any document that you use in your office should go through your capture software so that it can be read, indexed, and filed away correctly. This applies to documents that you scan, documents you create in programs, email attachments, and so much more.

Read on for more about the features of Digitech’s PaperVision Capture.

Benefits of PaperVision Capture

Capture, Integrate and Distribute Everything for Less
Capture, Convert and Control Enterprise Information
Improve Productivity by Automating Capture Processes
Save Money with Flexible Document Capture
Capture, Integrate and Distribute Everything for Less
  • PaperVision Capture brings an unprecedented level of efficiency and power to information capture.
  • Work with everything, implement any custom process you want, and track any statistic you need.
Capture, Convert and Control Enterprise Information
  • Centralize capture and indexing functions or distribute them across multiple systems and geographic locations
  • Ensure accuracy with extensive quality control options and index field verification
  • Integrate with a wide variety of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems and line-of-business applications
Improve Productivity by Automating Capture Processes
  • Streamline processing with a completely customizable workflow and graphical design tool
  • Maximize efficiency by prioritizing jobs and reassigning batches on the fly
  • Track productivity by using a wide variety of statistics or by creating custom statistics of your own
Save Money with Flexible Document Capture
  • Eliminate keystrokes and enhance accuracy with barcode and optical character recognition (OCR)
  • Populate index information instantly by matching values and merging them with existing data
  • Create any feature you want using the point-and-click custom code engine

Are You Ready To Simplify Your Business?