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Our full records management services include box storage, as well as scanning and digital archiving. We have specialized storage facilities that are neat, clean, well-lit, and modern. We designed these facilities from the ground up to maximize the security and protection of clients’ documents.

Our document storage service is usually paired with your document scanning or Scan to Zero solution.

Each and every box or filing cabinet full of documents is assigned a specific barcode that allows you to track the scanning progress of your files while having full knowledge of the location of your boxes at all times.

Not only are our facilities secure, but your documents are also safeguarded digitally. When you scan your files, they are fully protected against floods, fires, and theft, making disaster recovery simple and direct. You can also track who has accessed what file, and when, giving you full control and visibility.

For some clients, we scan their records and store the paper for a year, giving them the comfort and confidence in the integrity, availability, and back up of their records. Datamation can also simply convert your documents digitally to be stored on a DVD, and placed into our 100% secure facilities. Our solutions are never one-size-fits-all – the choice is yours!

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