Wondering how much it will cost to get all of your paper files, microfilm, and other documents scanned and digitized? Get your custom quote in 30 seconds!
Your department is the nerve center of your entire company. The documents that pass over your desk on a daily basis contain important and often sensitive information regarding your employees and your clients, and attempting to keep everything safe and organized with paper documents is both difficult and impractical. Datamation can help your company make the perfect records management plan that benefits your entire company.

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HR Document Conversion and Data Capture
Before your records can be entered into a workflow, the two first and most important steps are conversion and data capture. Datamation uses the most up-to-date technology to scan and capture your information, making workflow integration simple and thorough while keeping your documents secure and easy to access.

Document Conversion
Converting your documents from paper is the best decision you can make for your business. Getting rid of paper documents and records ensures their organization, security, and compliance. With more efficient document storage and processing, you’ll find that that efficiency carries through to the rest of your business tasks.

Capture all of Your Important Data
Among the many benefits of document conversion is the ability to capture and utilize data immediately. E-forms allow instant access to information that comes straight from the source with no manual data entry. Mobile capture allows you to capture any important documents with your phone or your tablet- no scanner or copier needed. Don’t wait to access or scan important documents—do it on the spot.

Enhanced Security for Your Sensitive Information
There is no guarantee with paper documents that they are completely safe from unwanted viewing. Because HR departments contain huge amounts of personal, financial, and medical records, security is of the utmost importance. Filing cabinets simply don’t cut it.
Security Risks
Keep important employee information well out of reach of unwanted attention.

Automate Your Workflow
There is little room for error when your HR department is dealing with thousands of personal documents. Paper documents and manual processes are simply too open to human error, not to mention the time it takes to manually process any kind of information. When you automate, you save time, money, and mistakes.

Efficiency and Accuracy
Workflows and robotic process automation (RPA) help reduce or even eliminate human error and save your company the pain of correcting those mistakes.
Make Your Business a Little Bit Smarter
Automation and digital storage of vital business information is the key to business intelligence. Having complete visibility into performance, real time data, and financial data allows you to leverage this information to elevate your business.

Business Intelligence
Datamation can give you the information to make the most of the stronger areas of your business, and target the weaker areas.
Workflow Automation + Human Resources