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This post is part of The Datamation Guide to Managing School District Records.

As the superintendent of a public school district, we know that you wear many hats. You are the CEO of a multi-million dollar company. You have to balance the responsibility to your community and compliance with state and federal regulations. You oversee complex labor negotiations, intensive record-keeping, and a workforce of hundreds of professional educators and support staff all while maximizing taxpayer resources.

Datamation understands that in such a high-pressure environment you need solutions that save money and make life easier. As a leading record-keeping and workplace automation software vendor, our education specialists understand a wide array of software options that accomplish these goals for school districts of every size. We will learn your needs and, with access to all the leading industry software, design a system that satisfies them.

The easiest way to earn the trust and confidence of so many stakeholder groups, school board members, taxpayers, parents, teachers, and students is to demonstrate efficiency and competence in your day-to-day operations.

Here’s how we can help with that.

Government compliance and document security

Superintendents know better than anyone the amount of work school districts must do to remain in compliance with federal and state education law, including the new updated SOPPA guidelines. Eliminate costly and time-consuming filing mistakes by clerical staff by converting your existing paper archive to a secure paperless student record database. Paperless record retention also makes fulfilling Freedom of Information Act requests simpler and less time-consuming.

In addition to the simpler compliance and open records, one of the benefits of a paperless database is the ability to secure your districts documents from accidental loss or destruction. You don’t have to live in the path of a major storm like Hurricanes Harvey or Irma to face the kind of disaster that can wipe out years of legally required documents. The unfortunate reality is a fire or flood can happen anywhere. Protect your districts crucial information with a paperless document archive that will survive any accident or natural disaster.

Meet tight deadlines for grants and other application deadlines

Grant applications that supplement your district’s budget can often come with short deadlines and require lots of information in order to be considered. Help your staff meet those deadlines and improve your districts bottom line by providing simple document storage and recall. No more fishing through a dark cold storage warehouse for a decade of records to fulfill a grant application. With just a few clicks, your employees will be able to gather the data necessary. What used to take a week can take a day or less with automated workplace solutions and electronic student records.

Increase employee morale and save money

Too often, superintendents are faced with a trade-off: Boost employee morale or implement difficult budget cuts. By implementing the various automated workflow solutions we offer school districts, you don’t have to make that choice. Eliminate the tedious record-keeping that teachers and support staff dislike, reduce your paper costs dramatically, save space in your buildings, and free up employees’ time to focus on the core mission of educating children.

Seamless implementation and customer support

Datamation’s education specialists provide in-person support for every step of your software implementation. We listen to your needs, work with you to design a software solution that functions within your existing IT infrastructure, and train building staff on how to use it.

Some companies hand you their software and training amounts to a few tutorial videos and a 1-800 number you don’t have time to call and they don’t have time to answer. Our customer support is unparalleled, so even after you implement a paperless student record system, if there’s ever a problem, we’re there to help solve it.

In addition, there is no up-front cost, no long-term commitment, and no licensing fees, so you can have unlimited users for any of the software solutions we offer.

Have any other questions or ready to get started? Contact Datamation today!