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As an outsourced document scanning and document management service provider, we value the security and confidentiality of our customer’s information and data. And to reinforce those values, Datamation Imaging Services has once again gone through a SOC 2 Type 2 audit covering the Trust Services of Security and Confidentiality.

All of our service commitments, processes, and systems requirements were examined and tested to ensure that we achieved all criteria relevant to the Trust Services of Security and Confidentiality with no exceptions.

The SOC 2 Type 2 Report is based on an objective audit via a third-party firm in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Our audit ensured that all controls and procedures in place by Datamation are suitably designed and followed to meet these standards. Our Type 2 Report shows that we followed these standards for one calendar year.

What Does Having a SOC 2 Type 2 Report Mean?

Service providers who complete a SOC 2 Type 2 Audit have gone above and beyond to show their commitment to privacy and integrity of their procedures. It means that you can trust us with your confidential medical records, student files and data (e.g. for compliance with the Illinois SOPPA law), and other documents.

When considering a partner for a document scanning (or any) project where sensitive data is a factor, you should check whether your potential vendor has these certifications. A SOC audit demonstrates that business will keep your data safe. There are only a handful of vendors in the document scanning and management industry who have completed this audit.

Datamation is proud to have this distinction for many years now so that all current and future customers know that we treat their data, documents, and business with the utmost care.

You can learn more about the SOC audit here. You can contact Datamation Imaging Services at (630) 321-0601.