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This post is part of The Datamation Guide to Managing School District Records.

Digitizing and storing records doesn’t just apply to student and personnel records. Managing and storing School Board meeting minutes electronically gives your district reliable access to a comprehensive record of important district decisions.

And where do those important district decisions happen? School board meetings. These meetings include decisions like appointments to new offices, donation approvals, vendor contracts, treasury reports, project progress reports, the announcement of new programs, and changes in policy. The minutes taken from these meetings are vital records of each and every decision made by the School Board, and can be referenced if one of the decisions is questioned.

Meeting minutes can also be referenced in order to identify patterns in voting. For example, voting patterns can be examined over a period of 5 years, identifying patterns with board members individually, or the Board as a whole. In short, these records may protect any decisions made by the school and the Board.

Because these records are so important, storing them in paper form makes them susceptible to fire, floods, or just getting lost in the fray. It also takes considerable time to find the correct paper document, digging through filing cabinets or boxes. If something came into question from the meeting that needed to be resolved quickly, it may take hours or days to find the correct file and that wastes a lot of time.

When these minutes are scanned and stored electronically, you can be sure that they will be safe from harm, and can be accessed within a few seconds with a simple keyword search. If a record needs to be sent, there will be no need to worry about making copies, printing, or mailing, saving both time and money. Every single important record will be saved for as long as is necessary, and can be referenced and shared quickly and efficiently.

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