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This post is part of The Datamation Guide to Human Resources Records.

In any position within an HR department, all employees are bound to work with extremely personal documents at one point or another. Medical records, performance evaluations, payroll information, emergency contact information, and home addresses are just a few examples, all containing information that if leaked, could easily be used for exploitation. Paper documents and records in filing cabinets simply dont provide the level of security needed for these vital records. Only scanning and storing those files digitally with Datamation can provide your company with the security it needs to protect your employees.

In an HR workflow that works with paper, any document may pass through any number of hands in a day. Unfortunately, there is no way to monitor who has seen that document that may contain something very personal, like a social security number- what will be done with it? What will be done with a home address, or a bank account number? There is just no way to tell. This not only leaves your employees open to danger, but it leaves your company open to litigation.

Datamation can provide your company with the security that it needs and deserves. ImageSilo is a cloud-based digital storage system offered by Datamation that makes those vital documents very quickly accessible, but keeps them incredibly secure under five layers of password-protected security. This ensures that only those with specific authorization can access sensitive information. Further, ImageSilo can be very helpful when integrated into a workflow. Datamation can help you customize your workflow so that records can only be viewed by certain people at certain stages in the workflow. For example, an employee can view a record in its beginning stages only, but by the time it is passed further along in the workflow, only higher level executives can see the encrypted, full record. This ensures that the appropriate people can only see the appropriate information at the right time. Another great feature of ImageSilo is that administration can see who has viewed what information, and when. This takes the mystery out of keeping track of information viewing, and your company will have full visibility into access.

Dont leave access to sensitive information up to chance- it simply leaves your company and your employees vulnerable to danger where their sensitive documents are concerned. Having an airtight workflow can set your company up for success while still keeping it safe. Datamation can provide your company with the security and visibility needed to ensure the safety of your employees and the company itself.